
If this is your first time here...Welcome! Feel free to look around and make sure you follow the blog by e-mail to keep up with all the latest and greaest deals and tips for saving on everything.

Smarty Pants Saving is a new community that not only teaches you how to coupon but also how to save on everything from home decor, vacations, family fun, etc. That's what makes it different...you won't see the same tips every day for the same products you see every day. It's a fresh approach to saving!

When I said Smarty Pants Saving is a community, I meant it. You'll find a comment section at the end of each post. This is your best way to get involved in the site, share your thoughts and to let me know if you find the post helpful and relevant to your life. Through your comments, I will be able to know the best ways to continuously improve the site.

Keep in mind, Smarty Pants Saving is a work-in-progress but I will always do my best to keep it updated and to share tips that appeal to a wide variety of people. Please visit my Youtube channel for videos to help you learn to use coupons and how to save on everything: Go To Smarty Pants Saving Youtube Channel